Programs for Adults

Brown Bag Documentaries

Select Tuesdays at Noon 

Bring your sack lunch and join us for a Documentary Film.  Each  film lasts under and hour, beginning at Noon in the Carnegie Level of the Library.

Brown Bag Documentaries. Select Tuesdays at Noon. Bring your sack lunch. Watch a one hour documentary. Coffee provided

Every Tuesday in March and April

Check our calendar for detailed schedule

Book a Tech

Have any technology that you need help with? (computer questions, laptops, tablets, phones, etc.) Come in and sign up for one on one help.

1st and 3rd Thursday of every month, sign up for 30 minute sessions from 2:30 – 4:30 pm.   Sign up is on the 3rd floor.

If you think you’ll need more than 30 minutes, let us know.

If you have any questions, call 785-263-3082, and ask for the technology department.

2025 Reading Challenge


Pick up your Reading Challenge card to complete at the library.  

You have until May to complete!

Snacks & Scribbles

Come and join us on the 3rd floor, the 3rd Saturday of every month for art and coloring.

Come and go from 9:30 am – 1 pm.

Snacks provided.  All ages welcome.


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