Friends of the Library and How to Join
Friends support programs and services that bring libraries to life. They raise money and voices to ensure a first-class public library for a community. They are what their name implies: a collection of committed, caring individuals who share a common vision of an outstanding, free public library.

About the group:
- Book Sales: In the Friends of the Library Bookstore, books are always available during regular library hours. The purchases that our book lovers make provide a steady source of income for the Friends. Customers are invited to browse the shelves, make selections, and pay for purchases at the Main Desk
- Library Aid: Over the years, numerous contributions have been made to the library – ranging from technology items to Christmas trees to book bags for summer reading programs. There are always ways to support the functions of the library.
- Economic Progress: Research tells us that public libraries increase the economic value of a community by adding to the capacity to draw businesses, home buyers, tourists, and others to the area. We do our part in making this happen!
Want to join the Friends of the Library today? Print the membership form and mail or return to the library. Or pickup the form at the library.
Download Membership form